Shreyoshi Ghosh

250 Posts
Virtual Student Mobility Programme with U of Edinburgh for Transdisciplinary Insights on R&D Topics

Virtual Student Mobility Programme with U of Edinburgh for Transdisciplinary Insights on R&D Topics

IIT Kharagpur and The University of Edinburgh, UK have launched a virtual student mobility programme to gain insights on water-energy-food-public health from diverse perspectives, and analysis of the same with a transdisciplinary approach. The programme would facilitate capacity building and gainful research toward inclusive and sustainable development. The proposed virtual programme focuses on developing domain knowledge of the participants, particularly in the Indian context, integrating ideas and expertise through group activities on the thematic areas. Under this programme and identifying the issues, the participants will work under the mentorship of faculty members IIT Kharagpur and the University of Edinburgh, before…
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IIT Kharagpur Study Predicts River Basin-wise Agricultural Droughts-North India Shows High Vulnerability

IIT Kharagpur Study Predicts River Basin-wise Agricultural Droughts-North India Shows High Vulnerability

With inputs from Rituparna Chakraborty Highlights: The study predicts future status climate change-induced agricultural droughts across India. More intense droughts in North, North-East and Central India are expected as compared to South India. About 20 and 50% of the area in India is expected to face extreme and moderate agricultural droughts, respectively, by the end of the 21st century. Farmers in India’s north, north-east and central regions may have to be more cautious of agricultural droughts in the future - reveals IIT Kharagpur study. The data shows a geographically contrasting change in future drought patterns that indicates more intense agricultural…
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Global Launch of COVIRAP – Nucleic acid-based Point-of-Care Diagnostic Device for COVID-19 and beyond

Global Launch of COVIRAP – Nucleic acid-based Point-of-Care Diagnostic Device for COVID-19 and beyond

Highlights A generic step-wise isothermal nucleic acid-based testing technology for the rapid diagnostics of pathogenic infections including but not limited to SARS-CoV-2 in individuals. Nasal Swab/ Saliva to result from integration in about 45 minutes in a highly affordable pre-programmable portable device developed by the team, without requiring any separate facility for RNA extraction. Kit supplemented with a free smartphone app to facilitate unambiguous results interpretation and automated dissemination to the patients. The test may be performed by unskilled personnel outside the controlled lab with no intermediate manual intervention between sample loading and result dissemination. Patents filed in the India, USA,…
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MoU with NCDC to Promote Developments in Cooperatives, Agriculture and Allied Sectors

MoU with NCDC to Promote Developments in Cooperatives, Agriculture and Allied Sectors

Highlights: This MoU will promote greater collaboration towards sustainable development in cooperatives, agriculture and allied sectors It will involve advancement of training, action research, studies, policy analysis, policy advice, consultancy, monitoring, evaluation, system development and technology development. It will provide support towards Formation and Promotion of Farmer Producer Organisation It shall have opportunities for trainee/student exchange program including providing internships IIT Kharagpur and the National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) have signed an MoU towards greater collaboration in issues and areas related to the development of cooperatives, agriculture and allied sectors and to the holistic approach towards sustainable development. The scope…
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Research scholar Jyotsana Priyadarshani talks about ‘organ-on-a-chip’ research

Research scholar Jyotsana Priyadarshani talks about ‘organ-on-a-chip’ research

For over two decades, researchers at IIT Kharagpur have been working on the development of affordable, portable and remote technology in the healthcare domain. The School of Medical Science and Technology and the Microfluidics Lab at the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering have collaborated on several such projects. In a similar work research scholar, Jyotsana Priyadarshani is pursuing her PhD in the area of “organ-on-a-chip” under the supervision of Prof. Soumen Das at the School of Medical Science & Technology and Prof. Suman Chakraborty at the Microfluidics Lab. Her research focuses on utilizing the frugal fabrication technique and microfluidic applications to…
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SARS-CoV-2 Alters Lung Cell Metabolism – IIT Kharagpur Research Model Shows, Model Could Help Therapeutics

SARS-CoV-2 Alters Lung Cell Metabolism – IIT Kharagpur Research Model Shows, Model Could Help Therapeutics

Model development by IIT Kharagpur researchers predicting alteration in metabolic reaction rates of lung cells post SARS-CoV-2 infection The research would lead to a better understanding of metabolic reprogramming and aid the development of better therapeutics to deal with the viral pandemics COVID-19 pandemic has been posing unprecedented threats to the whole world. Among its many perils is the cellular metabolic system of those who tested positive. Coronaviruses are known to hijack the metabolism of lung cells. This threat makes it absolutely imperative to understand the mechanism of metabolic reprogramming of host human cells by SARS-CoV-2. Researchers at IIT Kharagpur…
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IIT Kharagpur’s Essential Oil Extractor to Economize Betel Leaf Oil Production in India

IIT Kharagpur’s Essential Oil Extractor to Economize Betel Leaf Oil Production in India

Antimicrobial and antioxidant rich betel leaf essential oil finds wide use in industrial applications including medicines, cosmetics and chewable mouth fresher The essential oil extractor reduces betel leaf wastage making essential oil production economically viable The process increases yield by 16%, reduces process time by 44% and energy input by 30%   There have been many tales of Paan - in songs, history and literature, religion and culture for many millennia, across hierarchies of society, in South and South-East Asia. While the use of Paan as a mouth freshener is under the radar of health agencies for carcinogenic effects, however,…
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IIT Kharagpur Law Students to Draft Real-time Patents for Institute’s Innovations

IIT Kharagpur Law Students to Draft Real-time Patents for Institute’s Innovations

In 2006 IIT Kharagpur had introduced a new academic discipline in the IIT system - Intellectual Property Law, seed-funded by distinguished alumnus Dr. Vinod Gupta. Over the years, Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, the law school at IIT Kharagpur has not only expanded its scope across all academic verticals of law education but has emerged as one of India’s top law schools. With  Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) still as the key domain, the school has been instrumental in promoting IPR workshops for young innovators. A few years back a drive was undertaken at the School to promote Geographical…
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ERP Software Developed by IIT Kharagpur Adopted by other IITs

ERP Software Developed by IIT Kharagpur Adopted by other IITs

The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software developed and extensively used by IIT Kharagpur is now to be adopted by IIT Ropar and IIT Jodhpur for institutional use. IIT Kharagpur has signed MoU with both the IITs for customization, installation and deployment of the ERP system. “This indigenously developed software was deployed across all major functions of the Institute, to improve organizational administration and shifting operations to e-management, through both intranet and internet as well as desktops and mobiles. Close to 2000 of our teaching and non-teaching staff and more than 14000 students are using this software regularly; additionally, a large…
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Ozone and Ultra-filter based manufacturing tech to extend shelf life of packaged Sugarcane juice

Ozone and Ultra-filter based manufacturing tech to extend shelf life of packaged Sugarcane juice

Researchers at IIT Kharagpur have developed new process technology based on ozonization and ultra filtration for manufacturing shelf-stable sugarcane juice Sugarcane juice is a refreshing drink with an enriched nutritional profile. The juice accommodates health components such as, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins (like Vitamins C&B) which offer quick relief from heatstroke, dehydration, constipation, jaundice, etc. by supplying instant energy. Owing to the absence of simple sugars and low glycemic index (30-40), its average intake by diabetic persons is also acceptable. However, the colour and flavour unique to the juice get deteriorated immediately after its extraction due to biological processes of…
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