
Sports Finds Centre Stage at IIT KGP

Sports Finds Centre Stage at IIT KGP

Following the feat of winning medal at the State Athletics Championship, IIT Kharagpur has again ventured in the sports arena by roping in professional tennis player Saurav Sukul to train the students' tennis team at IIT KGP. About 12 students are training for 4 hours a day of whom several are first time players. The Institute has also built a synthetic court for practice. Sukul who has played professional tennis in the international circuit has recently started to train the students. "Though national and international level circuits require a substantial amount of time to be invested and regular training is…
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Great Step for Tomorrow’s Mining Engineers

Great Step for Tomorrow’s Mining Engineers

Are minerals the new gold standard? What are the environmental aspects and safety concerns in mining? What are bot functionalities in mining? And many more – IIT KGP’s GREAT STEP, the premier technical fest organized by the Department of Mining Engineering is here to answer many of these questions. With the theme “Ore is Gold” the fest is scheduled on 2nd to 4th of November 2018. The event will address critical areas in mining through case studies, design problems, guest lectures, workshops and various competitions. These would include the Petro Case Study, Mineo Case Study, Enviro Case Study, Geobotics, National Mining…
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Young Innovators Spread Wings @IITKgp

Young Innovators Spread Wings @IITKgp

Urban Challenges and Girl Innovators are Top Picks at IIT KGP's Young Innovators Program 2018 Economic Times     Business Standard (PTI)   Business World (Education)  Telangana Today   Indian Express   The Week   Yahoo News   Quint   NDTV  Ei Samay   Anandabazar Patrika   News18 Bangla Challenges of urban India were the top picks at this year's Young Innovators Program #YIP2018 organized by IIT Kharagpur. Students in classes VIII-X from schools in India and Singapore who attended the final two rounds of the science and technology competition at IIT Kharagpur, came up with solutions to problem statements in the areas of Clean Energy, Health and cleanliness, Resource management, Hardware Modelling,…
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SciTech Boost for Greenhorns

SciTech Boost for Greenhorns

IIT KGP promoting technological innovation among school students through the Young Innovators Program Business Standard (IANS)  Outlook IIT KGP has organized the second edition of the Young Innovators Program, the much-coveted science and technology competition for students from grades VIII - X. The finale is scheduled on October 27-28, 2018 at the IIT KGP campus where finalists from schools across India and abroad will put forward their innovations in the areas of Clean Energy, Health and cleanliness, Resource management, Hardware Modelling, Product Designing and Disaster Management. The competition had two initial rounds in addition to the two rounds being held at…
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Turning the tide

Turning the tide

IIT Kharagpur will play a critical role in the preservation of Hugli’s heritage Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur is all set to play a critical role in conservation efforts in Bengal. The Institute’s Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, in association with the University of Liverpool, UK¸ has initiated a pilot project that seeks to protect the rich cultural heritage of the cities and towns along the course of the Hugli river. “The Hugli River of Cultures Pilot Project, from Bandel to Barrackpore” intends to bring this rich heritage corridor into intense focus. The project is being jointly funded by…
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Eat, pray, love Artificial Intelligence

Eat, pray, love Artificial Intelligence

In one of the most impressive student events organized at IIT Kharagpur, teachers, students, industry experts came together to talk Artificial Intelligence. Spelled up.AI and pronounced “Upay” or ‘solution’ in Hindi, the up.AI summit from October 5-7 tried to delve into the problems – illiteracy, hunger, disease, natural disasters – and how AI can be used to solve them. Up.AI was organized by the Computer Science and Engineering Department of IIT Kharagpur and its newly established Centre of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence. The meet not only focused on the thematic areas of AI, but also its practical applications. Speakers, -…
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IIT KGP Launches AI Drive for NexGen Indian Engineers

IIT KGP Launches AI Drive for NexGen Indian Engineers

Business Standard  India Today   Outlook With the launch of the Centre of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence earlier this year, IIT KGP has been conducting several outreach programs focused towards challenges and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which are directly going to impact people’s lives significantly in the near future. Following the IT wave of 90s and 21st century, AI could turn out to be the next key element for the economic development of India. IIT KGP has taken to the task of bringing the younger generation of engineers to venture into new technologies in this domain. The Institute along with…
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The Industrial and Systems Engineering Department gets a slew of new facilities and laboratories

The Industrial and Systems Engineering Department gets a slew of new facilities and laboratories

New facilities and laboratories at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering will promote teaching, research and industry collaboration Professor Partha Pratim Chakrabarti, Director, IIT Kharagpur inaugurated a number of teaching and research laboratories and other infrastructure facilities on October 27, 2018 in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department of IIT Kharagpur. These include the Virtual Reality and Safety Analytics Laboratory, the Operations Research & Data Science Laboratory, the e-Business Laboratory, the Conference-cum-Video Conference Room and the new room of the Head of the Department. Prof. Jhareswar Maiti, Head of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, says, “These laboratories…
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IIT KGP Collaborates with Top French Doctoral Network for Doctoral Education and Research

IIT KGP Collaborates with Top French Doctoral Network for Doctoral Education and Research

Business Standard by IANS      Times of India by IANS   Indian Express  Business Standard by PTI   Times of India by PTI   NDTV   The Week  Outlook   Eenadu  Jagran Josh    IIT KGP and REDOC SPI (REseau DOCtoral en Sciences Pour l’Ingénieur), a French network of doctoral schools have come together to strengthen institutional collaboration in doctoral education and research. Through this initiative, interaction and collaboration will be promoted between IIT KGP and the doctoral schools (or equivalent structures) of REDOC SPI through visits and exchange programmes, joint academic and research doctoral programmes and joint supervision of doctoral students on a reciprocal…
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To get the ball rolling

To get the ball rolling

Swarajya Magazine       Indian Express SPARC website launched by IIT Kharagpur, which is the national coordinator for MHRD's new initiative in higher education The launch of the website of the Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration or SPARC on September 28, 2018 marks the formal beginning of the latest higher education initiative of the Ministry of Human Resource Development. IIT Kharagpur is the National Coordinating Institute of SPARC, a programme that seeks to improve the research ecosystem of India’s higher educational institutions by promoting academic and research collaboration between Indian institutions and best-in-class faculty and renowned research…
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