Funded Projects

Say HAAI for AI – Hands-on Artificial Intelligence for the real-world applications

Say HAAI for AI – Hands-on Artificial Intelligence for the real-world applications

AI4ICPS of IIT Kharagpur launches certification course on Artificial Intelligence with TCS iON Press Conference on launch of HAAI AI for Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (AI4ICPS), a national AI Hub, established by IIT Kharagpur under the aegis of DST, Government of India, on the occasion of third anniversary of National Educational Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), announces the launch of its latest and highly anticipated program, “Hands-on AI for the real-world applications (HAAI).” The course was launched by Prof. V K Tewari, Director, IIT Kharagpur in the august presence of Mr. Venguswamy Ramaswamy, Global Head, TCS iON, along with Prof. Amit…
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Action Research Project for Ladies’ Toilet Facility by Mr. Mukul Khandelia & Prof. Somnath Ghosal

Action Research Project for Ladies’ Toilet Facility by Mr. Mukul Khandelia & Prof. Somnath Ghosal

IIT KGP Foundation extend their hand to develop health and hygiene facilities for Gopali IM High School, Kharagpur Just imagine going through your day without access to clean water and a toilet. This is a harsh reality that millions of Indian women face every day. The lack of proper sanitation and hygiene facilities for women in India is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed with immediate effect. Improving access to clean sanitation and providing adequate hygiene facilities in schools and workplaces will empower women and promote gender equality in respective areas of concern. In modern India, where women…
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IIT Kharagpur Incubated Start-up Designed NavIC Chip for India’s Navigation Systems

IIT Kharagpur Incubated Start-up Designed NavIC Chip for India’s Navigation Systems

Elena Geo Systems, a Bengaluru-based space startup incubated in IIT-Kharagpur, has unveiled an indigenously designed NavIC chip that can use India's own navigation satellite system to provide positioning services. The chip can have applications in civilian and defence sectors. The chip was delivered to Gen. Anil Chauhan, Chief of the Defence Staff on 13 April 2023. Dr. Samir V. Kamat, Chairman of DRDO and also an Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur and Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari, Chief of the Air Staff also graced the occasion with their presence. An Indian-designed NavIC chip with potential in both the civilian and defence…
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Sustainable Alternatives in Energy, Environment & Healthcare for Science & Society

Sustainable Alternatives in Energy, Environment & Healthcare for Science & Society

INDO-US, INDO-AUSTRALIA AND INDO-CANADA INTERDISCIPLINARY WORKSHOPS AT IIT KHARAGPUR The Bioprocess & Bioproduct Development Laboratory of the Department of Biotechnology, IIT Kharagpur along with the collaborators from USA, Australia, and Canada organized three days workshop under the Government of India’s Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) from 24th to 26th February 2023. The workshops were inaugurated by Prof. Amit Patra, Deputy Director, IIT Kharagpur in the august presence of Dr. Prachi Kaul, Director, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute and Prof. Saswat Chakrabarti, Dean BTBS, IIT Kharagpur. The workshop saw a footfall of  more than 80 participants from both within…
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Training Course on Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare Systems

Training Course on Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare Systems

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, IIT Kharagpur conducted a five days training course on Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare Systems in collaboration with Purdue University, USA from 16 to 20 May 2022, under the SPARC (Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration). The lecture sessions focused on four important aspects related to the healthcare systems including Information-centred Human Factors, Human Body-centred Ergonomics, Organisation-centred Human Factors and Applications of HFE in Healthcare Systems. Based on the outcome of this training course, a number of courses in the form of subject, laboratory and project are to be designed at UG…
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This School at IIT Kharagpur is Upgrading Quality and Reliability for Indian Industries

This School at IIT Kharagpur is Upgrading Quality and Reliability for Indian Industries

“Quality combines people power and process power .  .  . The costs of poor quality are tangible; they will cost you customers and money, and ultimately affect the success of your business" ~ Subir Chowdhury, Quality Guru, Distinguished Alumnus Awardee India has taken a giant step towards upgrading its manufacturing operations to Industry 4.0 and transforming into an industrial hub. As industry-oriented research, product development and IP transfer are being intensified across a wide range of advanced manufacturing, an important aspect for the industry to address is now the quality of people and process which thereby would lead to optimal product…
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An incredible moment

An incredible moment

Times of India   India Education Diary Close to 150 members of the Batch of 1970, together with their spouses celebrated their 50th graduation anniversary at IIT Kharagpur recently in a grand celebration titled the ‘Golden 2020 Reunion’ (from Jan 24-26). Batch members congregated from all over the world to commemorate the occasion with the twin inaugurals of ‘ADDA’ – their batch’s gift to the campus community,  along with the Alumni Clock Tower which now stands as a gift from the passionate Kgpians across the alumni batches. The Alumni Clock Tower was inaugurated by Shri Amit Khare, IAS, Secretary, MHRD, Govt…
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Art of Gift, Gift to Art

Art of Gift, Gift to Art

The Telegraph       India Today       Hindustan Times       Yahoo News          Business Standard        DevDiscourse       Times Now       Jagran Josh IIT Kharagpur’s Academy of Classical and Folk Arts has roped another key patron with US-based alumnus Mukund Padmanabhan donating ₹52 Lakh to this one of its kind outreach unit in the IIT system. The funding is towards building a music auditorium with a digitally enhanced learning environment, conducting thematic workshops on classical and folk arts and engaging teaching fellows. Plans have been drawn…
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Going forward

Going forward

Professor Tony McNally, Director- International Institute for Nanocomposites Manufacturing; Director-National Polymer Processing Centre of WMG, was the Chief Guest at the International Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology (APSRT) being held at IIT Kharagpur between September 24-27 by the Rubber Technology Centre of the Institute. He spoke to KGP Chronicle on the legacy of Lord Bhattacharyya and WMG’s long relationship with IIT Kharagpur. On Lord Bhattacharyya and WMG: Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya was the Founder of the WMG in 1980 at a time when British industry was in dire straits and needed help. He was a man before his…
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When one great is inspired by another

When one great is inspired by another

Can industry and academia work together to promote the overall competitiveness of a sector through exchange of ideas and innovation, through synthesis of organizational and academic practice and discipline? The jury may be out on that one, yet there is one example that not only tilts the scale heavily towards the potential of success of a collaborative engagement such as this, but also serves as a model par excellence on account of the precedence that it has set: The Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) founded by illustrious British-Indian engineer, academic, manufacturing expert and leading consultant for industry and governments -- late…
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