
Tropical Rainforest will Survive the Future global warming: finds IIT Kharagpur study

Tropical Rainforest will Survive the Future global warming: finds IIT Kharagpur study

The tropical rain forests (TRF) like Amazon or Western Ghats are considered as “the lungs of the planet”, contain about 200-300 petagram (1015) or approx. 1/3rd of the total atmospheric carbon and plays a crucial role in modulating the global carbon cycle, biodiversity and hydrological cycle. The 2023 AR6 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns if the CO2 emission and global warming continues unabated the TRF community may altogether collapse much before the end of this century, and will drive a global catastrophe affecting nearly 800 million people worldwide. However, scientists are sharply divided on this…
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National Award for Prof. Suman Chakraborty on Teachers Day 2023

National Award for Prof. Suman Chakraborty on Teachers Day 2023

Teaching is much more than just imparting knowledge, it is an inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding. When we recall our own education, we remember the teachers not methods and techniques. The belief of a teacher on his/her student can make them achieve wonders. Teachers are the root of an education system and can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges. Teaching is the profession that teaches us all the other professions. On this momentous occasion of Teachers Day 2023, Prof. Suman Chakraborty, a professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department…
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The Unforgettable Soul – Markose Thomas Memorial Award

The Unforgettable Soul – Markose Thomas Memorial Award

'Be in love with your life. Every minute of it' - Markose Thomas The loss of a life is always mournful. The pain of losing someone is a shared emotion that we as humans endure with the silent grief of remembrance. No one can heal the heart that lost its purpose of existence, the least we can do is have empathy towards the departed soul. The physical presence may have perished but the aura of their beautiful soul shall remain forever. When we recollect to remember their attributes, we think of the ways they have contributed in our respective lives,…
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Devastating Aftermath of Cyclones

Devastating Aftermath of Cyclones

Isotope studies by IIT Kharagpur and Academia Sinica, Taiwan scientists shed light on how the cyclones sustain their energy. Cyclones are increasingly becoming perilous to the coastal populations of the subcontinent. Climate change due to global warming, projects that the frequency of category 4 and 5 storms (60 to >70 m/s sustained wind speed) will be doubled by the end of the 21st century. However, the question remains: why some cyclones are devastating while others are not? What controls the intensity of cyclonic winds and rains? Cyclones are gigantic vortex, 500-700 km in diameter and 20 km in height, which…
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Effective Control Technologies to Reduce Sulphur Dioxide Pollution In India

Effective Control Technologies to Reduce Sulphur Dioxide Pollution In India

FLUE GAS DESULPHURIZATION REDUCES SO2 POLLUTION IN INDIA A study by a team of researchers from IIT Kharagpur led by Prof. Jayanarayanan Kuttippurath from Centre for Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences (CORAL) found a significant decline in SO2 trends in India in the last decade, as compared to those in the previous three decades. The decrease in trend and concentration of SO2 is due to the environmental regulation and adaptation of effective control technologies such as scrubber and Flue Gas Desulphurization that shows the positive impact of technological advance and policy decisions to improve the air quality in India.…
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IIT Kharagpur Develops Affordable and Fast Charging E-Cycles with Na-ion based batteries.

IIT Kharagpur Develops Affordable and Fast Charging E-Cycles with Na-ion based batteries.

IIT Kharagpur has developed Na-ion-based batteries and supercapacitors which can be used to develop affordable e-vehicles such as e-cycles and next-generation Na-ion-based energy storage. A team of researchers from IIT Kharagpur led by Prof. Amreesh Chandra, Department of Physics have used nano-materials to develop Na-ion-based batteries and supercapacitors for next-generation Na-ion based energy storage technologies and their use in e-vehicles. The low-cost Na-ion-based technologies can be charged rapidly and are expected to reduce the cost of the e-cycles significantly. Under the ‘Materials for Energy Storage Program’ and support from Technology Mission Division (TMD) of the Department of Science and Technology,…
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Scientific & Uniform Speed Management to Reduce Fatal Road Accidents

Scientific & Uniform Speed Management to Reduce Fatal Road Accidents

Highlights : The institute made recommendations based on road geometry & traffic characteristics The fatalities in road accidents have increased by 1.3% Initiate Audit of existing speed management measures, study of accidents and speed monitoring India has always been on the edge when it comes to road safety and speed management. Even with new policy reforms and measures to curb road accident, a total of 3,66,138 road accidents caused the loss of 1,31,714 lives in 2020 as per the statistics of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). 1.2 lakh deaths were reported by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)…
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