“Guru Dakshina” – the Divine Manifestation of Giving Back to the Alma Mater
"Guru Dakshina hoye Guru ka Pratham Samman Bhav Bhakti hoye Guru ka Pratham Upahaar Shri Vasudev Krishna hoye Arjun ke Tattvagyaan Ekalavya hoye Dronacharya ke Aitihasik Guru Samman" Guru Dakshina is the first respect that a student gives to his teacher The emotional devotion of the students is his first present Shri Krishna was the philosophical teacher for Arjun and Ekalavya was Dronacharya's respectful master from history Guru Dakshina is the pure and selfless connection between a teacher and their disciple. By adhering to the qualities and learning of their Guru, the students bring the greatest smile of achievement, love,…