Scientific Racism

The Relics of Being & Becoming – ‘Us’

The Relics of Being & Becoming – ‘Us’

The present is just a synoptic one on the IIT Kharagpur IKS calendar of 2022 based on the scientific realization of Being and Becoming (ontology of the Vedas as recognized by 1977 Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine), Yogakshema-complementarities of ascent and descent of human mind to and from Divinity (realized by the Scientific principles developed by International Experts like Abraham Maslow and Arnold Toynbee), The idea of Cosmic Matrix or Vedic Matarisvan (Idea of MATRIX forwarded by top International Experts namely Joseph Campbell, Marija Gimbutas, Rene Guenon, Mircae Eliade and many more Scientist like James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis on ‘Gaia’s…
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