
India’s Climate Challenge: Increasing Population Exposure to Compound Extreme Events

India’s Climate Challenge: Increasing Population Exposure to Compound Extreme Events

How is the growing population currently being affected, and how will it be impacted in the future by climate change-induced compound extreme events?  This study delves into exposure of the Indian population to compound precipitation-temperature extremes, specifically hot-dry and hot-wet extremes. The study reveals an increase of over 10 million person-years of exposure across various regions in India. In densely populated areas, the increase in hot-wet extremes has been more pronounced compared to hot-dry extremes, a trend that is expected to persist into the future. The research identifies the Indo-Gangetic plain and southern coastal areas as future hotspots. India being…
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You care for us, now let us take care of you

You care for us, now let us take care of you

On June 19, 2021, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur had come forward to provide ration packets to 2000 Covid Lockdown affected poor people in and around the campus, with the generous contributions of $1 million received from its alumni. Besides being thankful to the alma mater for such an orderly management of the Covid-19 support program, the president of IIT Kharagpur Foundation USA, Ron Gupta mentioned, “The IIT Kharagpur Foundation alumni are indebted to you all for distribution of the needed supplies to our workers who help the students during their stay. We urge to continue with this program periodically,…
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Sharing the Best

Sharing the Best

India Today        Outlook           Millennium Post        Times of India         The Statesman          Times City IIT Kharagpur and the United States - India Educational Foundation (USIEF) organized a two-day joint workshop for universities in Eastern India themed ‘Igniting Interest to Study in India: Best Practices to Attract Foreign Students on Your Campus’. USIEF promotes mutual understanding between the nationals of India and the US through the educational exchange of outstanding scholars, professionals and students. The organization has the mandate to organize such outreach workshops to…
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A composite approach

A composite approach

Had she known it, Greta Thunberg - the teenage Swedish environmental activist who has given up airline travel to cut down on her carbon footprint – would have been doubly upset. The airline industry is far more polluting than she can imagine. The commercial aircraft industry relies on composite materials to produce lighter and more durable aircraft. But a large amount of waste is generated in the production process. Composite materials, or composites as they are commonly known, are a class of materials in which polymers are reinforced with stiff fibres (usually glass or carbon). Carbon fibres can have extreme…
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Going forward

Going forward

Professor Tony McNally, Director- International Institute for Nanocomposites Manufacturing; Director-National Polymer Processing Centre of WMG, was the Chief Guest at the International Conference on Advances in Polymer Science and Technology (APSRT) being held at IIT Kharagpur between September 24-27 by the Rubber Technology Centre of the Institute. He spoke to KGP Chronicle on the legacy of Lord Bhattacharyya and WMG’s long relationship with IIT Kharagpur. On Lord Bhattacharyya and WMG: Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya was the Founder of the WMG in 1980 at a time when British industry was in dire straits and needed help. He was a man before his…
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