IIT Khargapur honoured ten of its faculty members on the occasion of the 70th Foundation Day to recognise their excellent contributions at all levels of the career path of a teacher. The Institute conferred three Chair Professorships for full Professors and five Faculty Excellence Awards for Associate and Assistant Professors based on (a) Peer Recognition / National or International Awards, (b) Research Output, (c) Teaching Feedback, (d) Sponsored Projects. Additionally the alumni foundations of the Institute in India and USA conferred two more faculty awards – the G S Sanyal Award for Faculty Excellence by the IIT KGP Foundation USA and the Excellence Young Teacher Award by the IIT KGP Foundation India.
The Chair Professorships are awarded for a 3 year term which may be renewed once. The award amount will be Rs 25,000/- per month over and above the salary. The Faculty Excellence Awards are being instituted for the amount of Rs 15,000/- per month to be added to their salary, for a 2-3 year term depending upon cases. These annual awards and recognitions are aimed to motivate the academic community who has been nurturing students’ excellence and also attract brighter students. Further at mid and entry levels the awards recognise their contributions in academics and research.
The recipients are:
Institute Chair Professor Award:
Prof. Susanta Banerjee, Materials Science Centre,
Prof. M. M. Ghangrekar, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
Prof. Sirshendu De, Dept of Chemical Engineering
Faculty Excellence Award (Associate Professor):
Prof. Modhu Sudan Maji, Dept of Chemistry and
Prof. Debarati Sen, G S Sanyal School of Telecommunication
G S Sanyal Award for Faculty Excellence:
Dr Shailendra Kumar Varshney, Dept of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering
Faculty Excellence Award (Assistant Professor):
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar, Dept of Industrial & Systems Engineering,
Dr. Partha Pratim Jana, Dept of Chemistry,
Dr. Amit Ghosh, School of Energy Science & Engineering
Excellent Young Teacher Award:
Dr. Rajesh Kannan, Dept of Mathematics
The Institute is also recently invited nominations for Staff Excellence Awards which will be given annually to one member of each Category A, B and C.

The award amount is Rs 50,000/-. Staff members both permanent or under Institute contract who have worked continuously for a minimum of 5 years and made significant impact on the Institute’s functioning through outstanding dedication, competence and exceptional performance, excellent service to academic community and staff and ingenuity, are eligible for this award. The recipients are:
Shri Pratap Chandra Das, Deputy Registrar of Purchase and E-III (Recruitment section) in Group A category,
Mr. Soumik Basu, Assistant Engineer of E & M unit of IW section in Group B category and
Mr. Sabyasachi Patra, Senior Assistant of Registrar’s office jointly with Mr. Premansu Nag, Senior Technician of CSE in Group C category