
Empowering Educators and Fostering Scientific Growth on Molecular Biology in Rural Areas

Empowering Educators and Fostering Scientific Growth on Molecular Biology in Rural Areas

Rural Science Education Training Utility Program (RuSETUP) Workshop on Molecular Biology Techniques in Rural Areas In the pursuit of promoting basic scientific knowledge in molecular biology and enhancing the educational landscape in rural West Bengal, India, a workshop on, "Basic Training on Molecular Biology Techniques for College Teachers in Rural Areas" was successfully conducted on the 6th and 7th of October 2023 jointly by School of Medical Science and Technology (SMST), IIT Kharagpur and Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS) under the banner of INYAS' flagship event "Rural Science Education Training Utility Program' (RuSETUP). This endeavor was led by…
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“India is a land of IITs, especially IIT Kharagpur which is the mother of all IITs,” said Mahamohopadhyay Bhadreshdas Swami in the 73rd Foundation of the institute

“India is a land of IITs, especially IIT Kharagpur which is the mother of all IITs,” said Mahamohopadhyay Bhadreshdas Swami in the 73rd Foundation of the institute

The Foundation of a Family, that’s where it all began for IIT Kharagpur in 1951. The history of the IIT system dates back to 1946 when a committee was set up by Hon'ble Sir Jogendra Singh, Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, Department of Education, Health and Agriculture to consider the setting up of Higher Technical Institutions for post war industrial development in India. The 22 member committee headed by Sri N.R. Sarkar recommended the establishment of four Higher Technical Institutions on the lines of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. With the above recommendations the first Indian Institute of…
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IIT Kharagpur wins at the ADB Knowledge & Innovation Hub’s Transport Technology Innovation Challenge

IIT Kharagpur wins at the ADB Knowledge & Innovation Hub’s Transport Technology Innovation Challenge

Technology Innovation Challenge Independent verification of the results Publications of lessons learned by all the parties Reference site and report for ADB and development member countries Recommendations for next steps to scale-up the proposed solutions, including for future ADB-funded projects Have a vision, plan and capability for future implementation/commercialization of the innovative technology solutions in DMCs A user-friendly interactive system through the Technologies for Urban Transit to Enhance Mobility and Safe Accessibility (TUTEM) project that aims to enhance the last-mile security & safety of transit passengers in Hyderabad by providing commuters with safe access enroute to transit stations through mobile…
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IIT Kharagpur conducts a Press Conference on Strategic Implementation Initiatives undertaken by the Institute on NEP 2020

IIT Kharagpur conducts a Press Conference on Strategic Implementation Initiatives undertaken by the Institute on NEP 2020

Under the aegis of commemorating the 3rd Anniversary of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, IIT Kharagpur conducted a Press Conference on NEP 2020 on 24.07.2023 (Monday) at 11:00 am in Netaji Auditorium of the Institute. The press conference was chaired by Prof. V K Tewari, Director; Prof. Amit Patra, Deputy Director; Prof. M Ramgopal, Dean, FoEA and Shri Amit Jain, Registrar, IIT Kharagpur along with the senior Deans and Head of the Departments on the Strategic Implementation Initiatives on NEP 2020 undertaken at IIT Kharagpur. IIT Kharagpur has reviewed and updated it curricula for UG Programmes for both the UG…
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IIT Kharagpur gets a New Website

IIT Kharagpur gets a New Website

  Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur gets a new website. From the previous version of Beta IIT KGP, this newly launched website is much more interactive and visually more attractive, aligned with respective up-to-date data representation. Prof. V K Tewari, Director along with Prof. Amit Patra, Deputy Director; Shri Tamal Nath, Outgoing Registrar; Prof. Prabir Kumar Biswas, Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering and Prof. Pralay Mitra, Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur inaugurated the new website. Prof. Joy Sen, Chairman, Indian Knowledge System, IIT Kharagpur was the convener of the inauguration ceremony. "There was a need for a…
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A happy soul, a fresh mind and a healthy body are achieved through Yoga – International Day of Yoga 2023

A happy soul, a fresh mind and a healthy body are achieved through Yoga – International Day of Yoga 2023

IIT KGP celebrates Yoga Mahotsav to commemorate the 9th International Yoga Day (IDY 2023) You cannot always control what goes on outside but you can always control what goes on inside. Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self. Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body and makes us find the peace that lies within us. Through Practice comes Yoga, through Yoga comes Knowledge, through Knowledge comes Enlightenment and through Enlightenment comes Peace. Technology Students’ Gymkhana, IIT Kharagpur in commemoration of the ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’, 'FIT India Movement' and ‘Jan Bhagidari' in…
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Hult Prize 2023 for Team StrawDeshi of IIT Kharagpur secures a spot in the Global Accelerator

Hult Prize 2023 for Team StrawDeshi of IIT Kharagpur secures a spot in the Global Accelerator

Ideas and creativity are the most important human resources of all. Without ideas and creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns. Creativity is thinking up new things and innovation is doing new things.  Team StrawDeshi comprising of fourth year students Ayushman Agrawal (Mechanical Engineering), Daivik Agrawal (Mechanical Engineering), Purva Agrawal (Mining) and Tanishq Mittal (Metallurgy) from IIT Kharagpur emerged as winners at the Mumbai Summit of the Hult Prize 2023. StrawDeshi competed among 40 teams in the campus round of the Hult Prize. Team StrawDeshi’s idea was to use agro-waste rice straw…
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IIT Kharagpur inks MoU with HCLTech to Jointly Develop Innovative and Sustainable Solutions for Petroleum Industry

IIT Kharagpur inks MoU with HCLTech to Jointly Develop Innovative and Sustainable Solutions for Petroleum Industry

IIT Kharagpur inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with HCLTech, a leading global technology company on 31 May 2023, to collaborate in the field of petroleum engineering and earth sciences. HCLTech and IIT Kharagpur will jointly develop innovative and sustainable solutions to address critical challenges of the petroleum industry including reduction of carbon footprint and provide significant sustainable solutions towards net zero carbon emissions. “We are pleased to work with HCLTech on this path-breaking initiative. Academia and industry need to forge such symbiotic partnerships that will be instrumental in advancing research and innovation in technology, besides creating a skilled workforce.…
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IIT Kharagpur developed ‘Matri Seva’ Software for Ramakrishna Mission Home of Services 

IIT Kharagpur developed ‘Matri Seva’ Software for Ramakrishna Mission Home of Services 

IIT Kharagpur has developed ‘Matri Seva’ – a database software, free of cost that works on patient’s particulars and database for Vivek Sanjivani, an initiative for Healthcare and Education of Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service, Luxa, Varanasi. The software has been hosted in the Microsoft Cloud-based server to provide easy access to all the centres. It is used for primary healthcare, mental healthcare, follow-up visits, management of chronic-disease conditions, medications management, health education and other clinical services. Vivek Sanjivani Telemedicine Service is a real-time telemedicine solution which offers a virtual alternative to the in-person doctor’s visit. It expands access to…
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IIT Kharagpur Conducts Road Safety Training for Kolkata Police

IIT Kharagpur Conducts Road Safety Training for Kolkata Police

IIT Kharagpur conducts Road Safety Training for the officers of Kolkata Traffic Police & Transport Department, initiating capacity building in road safety through four rounds of training program. The training program was inaugurated yesterday in Police Training School (PTS), Kolkata by Shri V K Goyal, Learned Commissioner of Kolkata Police, in the presence of Prof. V K Tewari, Director, IIT Kharagpur; Shri Hari Kishore Kusumakar, Additional Commissioner of Police, Kolkata, several senior officials of Kolkata Police and experts from IIT Kharagpur. Around 200 officers of Kolkata Police are being trained by the team of faculty members from IIT Kharagpur that…
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