Humans of KGP

Hult Prize 2023 for Team StrawDeshi of IIT Kharagpur secures a spot in the Global Accelerator

Hult Prize 2023 for Team StrawDeshi of IIT Kharagpur secures a spot in the Global Accelerator

Ideas and creativity are the most important human resources of all. Without ideas and creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns. Creativity is thinking up new things and innovation is doing new things.  Team StrawDeshi comprising of fourth year students Ayushman Agrawal (Mechanical Engineering), Daivik Agrawal (Mechanical Engineering), Purva Agrawal (Mining) and Tanishq Mittal (Metallurgy) from IIT Kharagpur emerged as winners at the Mumbai Summit of the Hult Prize 2023. StrawDeshi competed among 40 teams in the campus round of the Hult Prize. Team StrawDeshi’s idea was to use agro-waste rice straw…
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Prof. Sudhakar Yedla, Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur is appointed as the Director of NIT Srinagar

Prof. Sudhakar Yedla, Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur is appointed as the Director of NIT Srinagar

Prof. Sudhakar Yedla, an Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur (1996/M.Tech/AG/2000/PhD CE) is appointed as the Director of the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Srinagar. A Professor at IGIDR and a Former Vice-Chancellor of Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India, Prof Yedla is a Civil Engineering graduate from Andhra University who completed his Masters and PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in the area of Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering. Joined IGIDR in 1999, Prof. Yedla is a Civil Engineer with Masters and PhD in Environmental Engineering from IIT Kharagpur. He is also trained in Environmental Economics and Development Policy…
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The Soul Set Free

The Soul Set Free

When I come to the end of the road And the sun has set for me I want no rites in a gloom-filed room Why cry for a soul set free? Miss me a little - but not too long And not with your head bowed low. Remember the love that we once shared Miss me but let me go For this is a journey that we all must take And each must go alone Its all a part of the Master's plan A step on the road to home When you are lonely and sick of heart Go to…
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A Compassionate Patron

A Compassionate Patron

You were the beautiful melody in the rhythm of life where the music of your life lives onTo live in the hearts we leave behind, is not to die...IIT Kharagpur mourns the loss of our beloved alumni, Mr. Gulab Bhavnani. Though our words can do a little, we hope our prayers will comfort his family and friends in his absence. A man of honour and compassion, Mr. Gulab Bhavnani, encourages all of us in so many ways to be kind and generous. Your Alma Mater will always remember you. Mr. Gulab Bhavnani, is one of the most eminent alumni of…
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The Lost Heart

The Lost Heart

Death is a shout of silent breathe I shall reside in your airy heath You will be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday This journey of life has been a pray Nothing is hurt and nothing is lost A brief moment that will soon exhaust For this is a journey, we all must intake We shall laugh at the parting ways For we will meet again I am the soft star that will remain And if a tear starts to fall I shall catch it through it all I am with you when the times are good To share a…
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The Unforgettable Soul – Markose Thomas Memorial Award

The Unforgettable Soul – Markose Thomas Memorial Award

'Be in love with your life. Every minute of it' - Markose Thomas The loss of a life is always mournful. The pain of losing someone is a shared emotion that we as humans endure with the silent grief of remembrance. No one can heal the heart that lost its purpose of existence, the least we can do is have empathy towards the departed soul. The physical presence may have perished but the aura of their beautiful soul shall remain forever. When we recollect to remember their attributes, we think of the ways they have contributed in our respective lives,…
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The Mighty Miner

The Mighty Miner

May tender memories soften your grief, May fond recollection bring you relief, And may you find comfort and peace in the thought Of the joy that knowing your loved one brought... For time and space can never divide Or keep your loved one from your side. When memory paints in colors true, the happy hours that belonged to you. Bidding adieu to Prof. Madisetti Anant Ramlu, who served as the founder and first Head of the Department of Mining Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur from 1958 until 1987 and retired as the Deputy Director & Acting…
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The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started – Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2023

The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started – Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2023

Entrepreneurship Cell of  IIT Kharagpur  conducted Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2023 Oprah Winfrey said ,"Do not worry about being successful but work towards being significant and the success will naturally flow." The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity. Entrepreneurship is a state of mind, a can-do attitude, a capacity to focus on a vision and work towards it. Sometimes you have to cross the line of familiarity to explore what holds beneath the generic idea of representation and problem solving techniques considering the other variables. Entrepreneurship Cell, under the aegis of Rajendra Mishra…
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The Journey of Remembrance – 19th Alumni Meet of IIT Kharagpur

The Journey of Remembrance – 19th Alumni Meet of IIT Kharagpur

The chilly January brought with it new genesis of transformation, new endearings and reminiscence of forever bonds which spreads a warmth that surrounds the Institution with happy faces, when we see our Alums back on the campus. The old building once again echoed with familiar laughters and famous campus stories that surrounded the batches of 1973, 1983 and 1998 who commemorate the grand celebration of the 19th Alumni Meet from 6th to 8th January 2023. For the first time ever in the history of IIT an entire batch came forward to give back together to their alma mater a gift…
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The Yogic Avabodha – Atal

The Yogic Avabodha – Atal

The word 'Avabodha' in Sanskrit is referred to someone who possess an awakened consciousness of soul. As the motto of the institute says Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam which means Excellence in Action is Yoga, we have an Alumnus who imbibed the thought as the basics of his existence. The spirit of a warrior, the body of iron and a heart of gold, yes we are talking about an explorer of life, Mr. Atal Agarwal, an alumnus of IIT Kharagpur, who graduated in 2017 and became one among the few IITians who represented Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) as an Alum in…
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