
Dr. Ummalaneni Raja Babu, Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur appointed as the Director General, Missiles and Strategic Systems, DRDO, Hyderabad

Dr. Ummalaneni Raja Babu, Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur appointed as the Director General, Missiles and Strategic Systems, DRDO, Hyderabad

Leadership is not an expertise, leadership is a constant education. A leader is someone who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. He is the one who sees before others see, farther than others see and sees more than others see. Integrity, insight and inclusiveness are the qualities  that drive an ordinary individual to be a lead the masses. Liberation of mind from stereotypical thoughts and rising to the power on enlightenment is the rare profoundness that a distinguishes a leader from a follower.  When Dr. Ummalaneni Raja Babu was doing his masters in IIT Kharagpur, never…
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Nation Building In Action: How An IIT Alumni Contributed To India’s Internet Story

Nation Building In Action: How An IIT Alumni Contributed To India’s Internet Story

Just as India was entering a new dawn in its political and economic history as an independent nation in the early 1990s, Bijendra K. Syngal, an IIT Kharagpur alumni (EC/1962/RP), returned to India to take up the reins of the Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL). His arrival jolted the old-style, stodgy public sector company into taking charge of the telecommunication revolution in India. Syngal navigated through financial uncertainties, economic instability, and political turmoil to introduce the Internet in India. His efforts played a direct role in expanding the software industry from a 60 million USD industry in 1991 to a nearly…
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Lend a helping hand

Lend a helping hand

Times of India The main objective of the Rural Technology Hackathon held at IIT Kharagpur between December 19-22, 2018 was to develop, upgrade and transfer technology to the rural masses in the surrounding areas and eastern and north eastern part of India. The competition, which was organized under the umbrella of the Design Innovation Centre (DIC) of IIT Kharagpur with the support of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, drew 17 teams from IIEST Shibpur, IIIT Ranchi, BHU, NIT Jamshedpur and other institutions in eastern India. The contest was inaugurated on December 19 by the Director of IIT Kharagpur, Prof.…
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