IIT KGP and UMass Dartmouth, USA to Explore Blue Economy

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IIT Kharagpur and the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth have signed an MoU for collaborative research, training and the exchange of faculty, postdoctoral fellows, students, and academic and research information.

The two institutions have initiated discussions to formulate a joint international programme on Marine Science and Technology targeting the huge potential of the Blue Economy, confirmed Prof. P P Chakrabarti, Director of IIT Kharagpur in a social media post. He also mentioned that discussions are ongoing regarding the way forward with Chancellor Dr. Robert Johnson and Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Dr. Mohammad Karim of UMass Dartmouth.

UMass Dartmouth’s School for Marine Science & Technology focuses on interdisciplinary basic-to-applied marine sciences and the development of related innovative technologies. Some of the focus areas are biogeochemical cycling, coastal ecosystem dynamics and restoration, computational modeling, marine renewable energy, ocean observing/remote sensing and ocean physics. IIT Kharagpur too has been making a significant impact in renewable energy, computer modeling, remote sensing, studying ecosystem of marine bodies etc.

Possibilities for a joint PhD/Masters programs would be explored, preferably in association with other reputed academic, research or industrial organizations. The scope of the MoU also includes possible short courses, seminars, workshops or conferences, and joint distance and computer-based learning activities.

By Shreyoshi Ghosh

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