IIT Kharagpur ranks 3rd among the top Universities in India in Engineering & Technology & 37th in Mineral & Mining Engineering in the world according to 12th QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2022
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur has been named as one of the world’s top 100 universities for the study of 19 subjects, according to the latest edition of the world’s highest QS University Ranking. The institute ranked 37th in 2022 compared to 44th in 2021 in Mineral & Mining Engineering & 80th rank in 2022, improving its rank from 90th in 2021 in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. In Engineering & Technology, the institute ranked 101st in the world and 3rd in India, as per the 12th QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2022 announced on 06 April 2022.
Speaking on the QS Rankings by Subject 2022, Prof. V K Tewari, Director, IIT Kharagpur remarked, “IIT Kharagpur stands out from other IITs with its multi-disciplinary mandate to transform its education curriculum to a knowledge economy along with the focus on skill development and entrepreneurship.”
The Institute has been ranked at the top three in India for Agriculture & Forestry (1st rank), Statistics & Operational Research (1st rank), Mineral & Mining Engineering (2nd rank), Environmental Sciences (2nd rank), Economics & Econometrics (2nd rank), Engineering & Technology (3rd rank), Computer Science & Information Systems (3rd rank), Chemical Engineering (3rd rank) and Accounting & Finance (3rd rank). Out of 19 academic disciplines of IIT Kharagpur, 32% improved their positions in ranking. Mineral & Mining Engineering scored 82.7 in Employer Reputation, Environmental Sciences scored 86.6 in Citations per Paper and Business & Management Studies scored 81.8 in H-Index. The Institute’s overall score by the broad subject area in Engineering & Technology is 76.2.
Prof Goutam Chakraborty, Associate Dean, International Relations/Ranking stated, “Although we are moving forward, it is no time for complacency. The expectation of the nation from its oldest Institute of Technology is quite high and we all must strive to live up to it.”
Content Writer:- Poulami Mondal, Digital & Creative Media Executive (Creative Writer)
Email: poulami.mondal@iitkgp.ac.in, media@iitkgp.ac.in, Ph. No.: +91-3222-282007