Prof. Amit Patra is appointed the new Director of IIT BHU (Varanasi) by Ministry of Education

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If your  actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. A successful leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that the impact lasts in your absence by unlocking people’s potential to become better. A greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the great things, he is the one that gets the people to do the great things.  Today, IIT Kharagpur celebrates one such leader that the institute is proud of. Prof. Amit Patra, Deputy Director of IIT Kharagpur has recently been appointed as the Director, IIT BHU (Varanasi) by the Ministry of Education. An Electrical Engineer with an academic career spanning over 35 years, his soulful voice echoes at every joyous and momentous occasions in the institute as an ardent music lover.

Prof. Amit Patra  received his B.Tech, M. Tech. and PhD degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 1984, 1986 and 1990 respectively. During 1992-93 and in 2000, he visited the Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany as a Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur in 1987 as a faculty member. During 2018-19 he visited the University of Maryland, Baltimore County as a Senior Visiting Research Scientist and has been serving as an Honorary Adjunct Professor. He also served many administrative positions as the Dean of Alumni Affairs and International Relations between 2007 and 2013 and was the Professor-In-Charge, Advanced VLSI Design Lab at IIT Kharagpur during 2004-07.

His current research interests include power management circuits, mixed-signal VLSI design, battery management systems, diagnostics and prognostics in industrial and biomedical systems. As the Professor-In-Charge of the Advanced VLSI Design Laboratory he was instrumental in expanding the chip design activity of the laboratory and also setting up an advanced test facility. During his tenure, the laboratory received a funding of about USD 1 Million from major multinational corporations like National Semiconductor, Intel, Synopsys etc. He took a major initiative to create a consortium of leading VLSI companies to support the chip design and CAD activity of the laboratory. More than a dozen companies including National Semiconductor, Texas Instruments, Agilent Technologies, Sun Microsystems, Cadence Design Systems, Synopsys Inc., Infineon Technologies, etc. joined this consortium. He has filed about a dozen patents and has a granted patent in his name and has carried out more than 45 sponsored projects mostly in the areas of VLSI and power management circuits and control systems. He has collaborated with National Semiconductor Corporation, Infineon Technologies, Freescale Semiconductor, Maxim Corporation, NXP Semiconductor and a few start-up companies in the Power Management area. In the area of control systems he has worked with ISRO, DRDO, ADE, ADA, General Motors and Tata Motors.

Prof. Patra received the Young Engineer Award of the Indian National Academy of Engineering in 1996 and the Young Teachers Career Award from the All India Council for Technical Education in 1995 along with the Samsung Innovation Award. A Young Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences during 1992-97, he is a member of IEEE (USA), Institution of Engineers (India) and a life member of the Systems Society of India. Prof. Patra has recently been listed as one the top contributors of engineering publications in the country by a DST-conducted survey spanning the period 2002-2014.

y: Poulami Mondal, Digital & Creative Media Executive (Creative Writer)
Email:,, Ph. No.: +91-3222-282007

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By Poulami Mondal

I am the Digital & Creative Media Executive (Creative Writer) in IIT Kharagpur. My scope of work comprises of Corporate Communications, Media Relations, Brand Management, Public Relations, Science Communication, Event Management, Communications Management, Social Media Management and creating content for KGP Chronicle (Newsletter). I expertise in Press Releases, Content Generation and Ideation, Creative Writing, Media Briefing, Press Meet, Strategy & Planning, Advertorials, Editing, Proof- Reading and Corporate Film Production.

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