alumni meet

The Celebration of Forgotten Times –  Alumni Meet 2025

The Celebration of Forgotten Times – Alumni Meet 2025

"The Celebration of Forgotten Times" evokes a poignant reflection on the passage of time, nostalgia, and the act of revisiting memories that may have faded with the years. It is a celebration of not just of the present or the future, but of the past—moments that may have once seemed distant or even forgotten, but are now being rediscovered and cherished. A reunion, a retrospective event and a personal moment of reflection, Alumni Meet 2025 at IIT Kharagpur brew the essence of relieving those moments of camaraderie among the batches of 1975, 1985 and 2000. Alumni Meet reflects a celebration…
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Alumni Gift on Alumni Meet

Alumni Gift on Alumni Meet

Times of India Giving back at the Annual Alumni Meet is a ritual at IIT Kharagpur. In keeping true to the tradition, close to 400 alumni from the 1969, 1979, 1994 and 1997 batches have donated Rs. 3.6 crore to their Alma Mater on the occasion of the 16th Annual Alumni Meet scheduled from January 11-13, 2019. The annual giving is among the several alumni fundraising campaigns conducted by the grand old IIT during the year. The donation has been made towards their respective batches in endowment mode, partial interest out of which will be utilized every year to support…
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