
IIT KGP Develops Telemedicine Homecare Technology

IIT KGP Develops Telemedicine Homecare Technology

IIT Kharagpur Rolls Out Telemedicine Technology for Home Care during COVID Physical Distancing Protocol It has been more than half the year since the world has been struggling through the challenge thrown by COVID-19. With the passage of time, and vaccines still not being on the cards, the pressure on the healthcare system is only expected to rise while the healthcare workers continue to remain vulnerable to infection. To address this issue, researchers at IIT Kharagpur’s Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering have developed a telemedicine system, iMediX. The system integrates homecare with healthcare services from the hospital. Considering the…
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Alumni Innovate COVID-19 Health Technologies

Alumni Innovate COVID-19 Health Technologies

Economic Times           Deccan Herald         India Today             Hindustan Times            Outlook        Business Insider      NDTV           The cases of infections and deaths related to COVID-19 in India are increasing by leaps and bounds. While it took about 2 months to reach the first 1000 cases, it increased to 2000 just within 5 days, then with every 3 days the count has been increasing by 1000, and now the frequency of that occurrence has reduced to a…
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Smartphone App to Aid Smoking Cessation

Smartphone App to Aid Smoking Cessation

Smartphone applications in the present times are the popular source of information on market intelligence. In the last decade, these gadgets have been revolutionizing the consumer world by replacing our wallets and bringing services such as cabs, restaurants, shops, IoT based smart homes at our doorsteps. These are also contributing to our fitness regime. But smartphones can give a lot more insights, they can tell what we are doing at the moment, our habits and the associated health hazards. This is what researchers at IIT KGP have confirmed through their latest innovation. A research team led by Prof. Ram Babu Roy at…
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