Excellent Young Teacher Award

The Journey of Remembrance – 19th Alumni Meet of IIT Kharagpur

The Journey of Remembrance – 19th Alumni Meet of IIT Kharagpur

The chilly January brought with it new genesis of transformation, new endearings and reminiscence of forever bonds which spreads a warmth that surrounds the Institution with happy faces, when we see our Alums back on the campus. The old building once again echoed with familiar laughters and famous campus stories that surrounded the batches of 1973, 1983 and 1998 who commemorate the grand celebration of the 19th Alumni Meet from 6th to 8th January 2023. For the first time ever in the history of IIT an entire batch came forward to give back together to their alma mater a gift…
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Bestow the Honoury Awards to the Shining Stars

Bestow the Honoury Awards to the Shining Stars

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur believes that its faculty and staff members deserve recognition for dedication in fulfilling their responsibilities and carrying out the Institute’s mission. Each and every year, on the occasion of Institute’s Foundation Day, several awards are designed to promote and reward outstanding performance by faculty and staff at IIT Kharagpur. This year also, on the occasion of the 71st Foundation Day of IIT Kharagpur, various awards have been presented to its faculty and staff members. The categories for the Faculty are the Institute Chair Professorship Award, the Avinash Gupta Chair Professorship Award, The Faculty Excellence Award,…
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