Steering Ahead into Steel Technology with SAIL & Vanitec

Steering Ahead into Steel Technology with SAIL & Vanitec

A ‘Workshop on the Recent Progress in Microalloyed Steels with High-Strength and Toughness’ was organized by the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, and the Indian Institute of Metals, Kharagpur Chapter. The workshop was based on the project being investigated at IIT Kharagpur on the development of vanadium microalloyed high-strength steel in collaboration with the Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel (RDCIS), Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Ranchi, and with support from the Vanitec Limited, UK. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. Chandan Chakraborty, Head, Electrical Engineering, along with Prof. Karabi Das, Head, Department of…
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IIT Kharagpur handed over Industry 4.0 solution to GRSE

IIT Kharagpur handed over Industry 4.0 solution to GRSE

The Centre of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing Technology (CoEAMT) of IIT Kharagpur has handed over its Industry 4.0 solution to Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited (GRSE), under Ministry of Defence. The Centre has developed a software for GRSE, named iWeld wherein AI will detect the defective portion from weld radiography images and classify the type of defect. Tested over large number of samples at GRSE, it gives a very high accuracy of 93.18%. The software has been developed by Mr. Avishek Mukherjee, Doctoral Scholar of IIT Kharagpur under the supervision of Prof. Surjya K Pal, Chairperson of the CoEAMT and…
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