Alumni Corner

“Guru Dakshina” – the Divine Manifestation of Giving Back to the Alma Mater

“Guru Dakshina” – the Divine Manifestation of Giving Back to the Alma Mater

"Guru Dakshina hoye Guru ka Pratham Samman Bhav Bhakti hoye Guru ka Pratham Upahaar Shri Vasudev Krishna hoye Arjun ke Tattvagyaan Ekalavya hoye Dronacharya ke  Aitihasik Guru Samman" Guru Dakshina is the first respect that a student gives to his teacher The emotional devotion of the students is his first present Shri Krishna was the philosophical teacher for Arjun and Ekalavya was Dronacharya's respectful master from history Guru Dakshina is the pure and selfless connection between a teacher and their disciple. By adhering to the qualities and learning of their Guru, the students bring the greatest smile of achievement, love,…
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‘Our classes were held where freedom fighters were locked up,’ says Narasimhan Venkatesan Patel, Alumnus of the First Batch at IIT KGP

‘Our classes were held where freedom fighters were locked up,’ says Narasimhan Venkatesan Patel, Alumnus of the First Batch at IIT KGP

Mr. Narasimhan Venkatesan Patel, Former Member of the Railway Board and an Electrical Engineering Alumnus (1951-55) of IIT Kharagpur, shares some interesting anecdotes about the faculty and how IIT Kharagpur took special tutorials of students who appeared in Class 12 exams from different boards or syllabi. The Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur was established in 1951 and is the oldest among all the IITs in the country. As the institute was set up in the Hijli detention camp of West Bengal, it has a link with the freedom fighters of India. “We mostly had classes in the old Hijli Central…
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IIT Kharagpur Signs MoU with Uneverse Mobilty, a Kolkata based Startup, for the Development & Commercialization of Sodium Ion Batteries in India

IIT Kharagpur Signs MoU with Uneverse Mobilty, a Kolkata based Startup, for the Development & Commercialization of Sodium Ion Batteries in India

These Cost-Effective Batteries Will Boost the Rapid Growth Envisaged For E-Vehicles Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Uneverse Mobility Pvt Ltd, a Kolkata based startup focusing on next generation battery technology and e-mobility segments for commercialization and further development of the Sodium Ion technology. A team headed by Prof Amreesh Chandra from the Department of Physics at IIT Kharagpur have been working extensively on the development of Sodium-ion based energy solutions. They were amongst the first group of researchers in India who were funded by the Department of Science and Technology under their flagship…
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“India is a land of IITs, especially IIT Kharagpur which is the mother of all IITs,” said Mahamohopadhyay Bhadreshdas Swami in the 73rd Foundation of the institute

“India is a land of IITs, especially IIT Kharagpur which is the mother of all IITs,” said Mahamohopadhyay Bhadreshdas Swami in the 73rd Foundation of the institute

The Foundation of a Family, that’s where it all began for IIT Kharagpur in 1951. The history of the IIT system dates back to 1946 when a committee was set up by Hon'ble Sir Jogendra Singh, Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, Department of Education, Health and Agriculture to consider the setting up of Higher Technical Institutions for post war industrial development in India. The 22 member committee headed by Sri N.R. Sarkar recommended the establishment of four Higher Technical Institutions on the lines of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. With the above recommendations the first Indian Institute of…
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Guru Krupa Foundation (GKF) offers Overseas Research Internships for Summer Scholarship 2023 

Guru Krupa Foundation (GKF) offers Overseas Research Internships for Summer Scholarship 2023 

In collaboration with IIT Kharagpur Foundation, USA (IITKGPF), the Guru Krupa Foundation (GKF) Scholarship was awarded to 11 students of IIT Kharagpur this year. This is the 2nd year that the GKF Scholarship will support the IIT KGP students to carry out their research internship in foreign universities. 10 students were selected by the IIT KGP selection committee for a total scholarship award of $45,000. Each conferred scholarship depends upon the funding received by the student from their host institutions. The GKF scholars are pursuing their summer research internship at premier universities in the USA, UK, Belgium, Canada, and Germany.…
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Dr. Ummalaneni Raja Babu, Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur appointed as the Director General, Missiles and Strategic Systems, DRDO, Hyderabad

Dr. Ummalaneni Raja Babu, Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur appointed as the Director General, Missiles and Strategic Systems, DRDO, Hyderabad

Leadership is not an expertise, leadership is a constant education. A leader is someone who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. He is the one who sees before others see, farther than others see and sees more than others see. Integrity, insight and inclusiveness are the qualities  that drive an ordinary individual to be a lead the masses. Liberation of mind from stereotypical thoughts and rising to the power on enlightenment is the rare profoundness that a distinguishes a leader from a follower.  When Dr. Ummalaneni Raja Babu was doing his masters in IIT Kharagpur, never…
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Action Research Project for Ladies’ Toilet Facility by Mr. Mukul Khandelia & Prof. Somnath Ghosal

Action Research Project for Ladies’ Toilet Facility by Mr. Mukul Khandelia & Prof. Somnath Ghosal

IIT KGP Foundation extend their hand to develop health and hygiene facilities for Gopali IM High School, Kharagpur Just imagine going through your day without access to clean water and a toilet. This is a harsh reality that millions of Indian women face every day. The lack of proper sanitation and hygiene facilities for women in India is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed with immediate effect. Improving access to clean sanitation and providing adequate hygiene facilities in schools and workplaces will empower women and promote gender equality in respective areas of concern. In modern India, where women…
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Prof. Sudhakar Yedla, Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur is appointed as the Director of NIT Srinagar

Prof. Sudhakar Yedla, Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur is appointed as the Director of NIT Srinagar

Prof. Sudhakar Yedla, an Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur (1996/M.Tech/AG/2000/PhD CE) is appointed as the Director of the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Srinagar. A Professor at IGIDR and a Former Vice-Chancellor of Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India, Prof Yedla is a Civil Engineering graduate from Andhra University who completed his Masters and PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in the area of Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering. Joined IGIDR in 1999, Prof. Yedla is a Civil Engineer with Masters and PhD in Environmental Engineering from IIT Kharagpur. He is also trained in Environmental Economics and Development Policy…
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The Soul Set Free

The Soul Set Free

When I come to the end of the road And the sun has set for me I want no rites in a gloom-filed room Why cry for a soul set free? Miss me a little - but not too long And not with your head bowed low. Remember the love that we once shared Miss me but let me go For this is a journey that we all must take And each must go alone Its all a part of the Master's plan A step on the road to home When you are lonely and sick of heart Go to…
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A Compassionate Patron

A Compassionate Patron

You were the beautiful melody in the rhythm of life where the music of your life lives onTo live in the hearts we leave behind, is not to die...IIT Kharagpur mourns the loss of our beloved alumni, Mr. Gulab Bhavnani. Though our words can do a little, we hope our prayers will comfort his family and friends in his absence. A man of honour and compassion, Mr. Gulab Bhavnani, encourages all of us in so many ways to be kind and generous. Your Alma Mater will always remember you. Mr. Gulab Bhavnani, is one of the most eminent alumni of…
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