
Sanskrit….The Language of Indian Sanskriti `वसुधैव-कुटुम्बकम्`

Sanskrit….The Language of Indian Sanskriti `वसुधैव-कुटुम्बकम्`

Centre of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems (CoE-IKS) of IIT Kharagpur celebrated the 'Sanskrit Week'   सुखार्थिनः कुतो विद्या नास्ति विद्यार्थिनः सुखम्। सुखार्थी वा त्यजेद्विद्यां विद्यार्थी वा त्यजेत्सुखम्॥   There is no knowledge for the seekers of comfort, and no comfort for the seekers of knowledge. A seeker of comfort should give up knowledge, and a seeker of knowledge should give up comfort.​   Swami Vivekananda said, "Because the very sound of  Sanskrit words gives a prestige and a power and a strength to the race." Centre of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems (CoE-IKS) of IIT Kharagpur celebrated Sanskrit Week…
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IIT Kharagpur celebrates its 72nd Foundation Day under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

IIT Kharagpur celebrates its 72nd Foundation Day under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

  Prof. V K Tewari, Director, IIT Kharagpur welcomes Shri Amit Khare, Adviser to Prime Minister, Govt. of India. As the country enters its 76th year of Independence, IIT Kharagpur also enters its 72nd year of foundation on 18th August 2022 which was adorned eminent personalities. Shri Amit Khare, Adviser to Prime Minister & Former Secretary, Higher Education, Ministry of Education graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Dr. B N Gangadhar, President, NMC, MA&RB (Former Director of NIMHANS) & Mr. Ranjit Rath, an Alumnus of IIT Kharagpur & CMD, Oil India Limited also graced the occasion as the Guest…
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IIT Kharagpur conducts Bharata Tirtha II – an International Conference on Indian Knowledge System

IIT Kharagpur conducts Bharata Tirtha II – an International Conference on Indian Knowledge System

Under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Centre of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems (CoE-IKS), IIT Kharagpur organized an international conference on Indian Knowledge Systems – The Bharata Tirtha II from 14th to 18th June, 2022 in association with department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur and key knowledge partners including Indian History Awareness and Research (IHAR) Houston, USA, IHAR India, DHARA, Ode to Indian Knowledge System, the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Education, Government of India. The conference which is a continuation of the programme Bharata Tirtha - I organized in November 2020 in association with Ministry of…
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Training Course on Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare Systems

Training Course on Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare Systems

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, IIT Kharagpur conducted a five days training course on Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare Systems in collaboration with Purdue University, USA from 16 to 20 May 2022, under the SPARC (Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration). The lecture sessions focused on four important aspects related to the healthcare systems including Information-centred Human Factors, Human Body-centred Ergonomics, Organisation-centred Human Factors and Applications of HFE in Healthcare Systems. Based on the outcome of this training course, a number of courses in the form of subject, laboratory and project are to be designed at UG…
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Own Your Hall Room

Own Your Hall Room

The Office of the Alumni Affairs of IIT Kharagpur initiated a new campaign, “Own Your Hall Room,” with the intent of modernizing the infrastructure of the respective Halls of Residence for the students. The Hall Development Campaign is one of the most supported campaigns by the Alumni Fraternity of IIT Kharagpur. Renovation of the Halls which are a reminiscence of the old memories and the plinth of forming new ones, is a wonderful opportunity for the alumni to keep their signature on their very own campus. A donor will be recognized by an individual plaque that will enlist his/her name…
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The Wonders of IIT KGP

The Wonders of IIT KGP

Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar Governor of West Bengal dedicates Supercomputer PARAM Shakti to the Nation and Honours the Alumni Technology by itself doesn’t make leaders, it only amplifies true leadership. This quote by Steve Jobs have rippled through the tech world creating global leaders who channelized technological convergence with affordability to suffice the need of the developing nations. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur have initiated a paradigm shift in technological pursuits through PARAM Shakti, a Petascale  supercomputing facility accelerating the research and development activities in multidisciplinary domains of computational and data sciences as it provides large-scale computing power to the user community and neighbouring…
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Distinguished Service Awards 2021

Distinguished Service Awards 2021

IIT Kharagpur has announced the recipients of the Distinguished Service Awards for 2021. The Distinguished Service Awards (DSA) are conferred to recognize its alumni for providing outstanding service to the institute.  This year’s awards will be conferred to Mr. Amitabh Agarwal (1967/B.Tech/EE/NH), Mr. Srikanth C (2009/BLIPR/IP/JCB) and Mr. Sunil Kapoor (1986/BTech/MF/PH) in the 18th Annual Alumni Meet to be held from March 10th-13th, 2022.  Mr. Amitabh Agarwal Mr. Amitabh Agarwal has provided impactful services to the Alumni chapters, the IITKGP foundations and has effectively contributed to numerous initiatives spanning over 20 years.  Some of his contributions include, Donating to the…
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7th Covid Relief Camp: IIT Kharagpur Foundation, USA Continues Its Grand Humanitarian Gesture

7th Covid Relief Camp: IIT Kharagpur Foundation, USA Continues Its Grand Humanitarian Gesture

IIT Kharagpur in collaboration with its alumni association- IIT Kharagpur Foundation USA organized a Covid Relief Distribution programme for the community workers of the campus from 14th-16th September 2021. Around 2000 community workers including domestic helps, rickshaw pullers, construction workers, small vendors, and other essential service providers received a substantial amount of ration. The Director, Prof. Virendra Kumar Tewari, in his message, assured that IIT KGP will always side with those in need of help and continue to support the community workers through these unprecedented and distressing times. He also said that it was a great opportunity to give back…
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Initiation of 1st Chair Professorship in E&ECE Dept.: Benevolent act of IIT Kharagpur alumnus helps in the materialization of the process

Initiation of 1st Chair Professorship in E&ECE Dept.: Benevolent act of IIT Kharagpur alumnus helps in the materialization of the process

IIT Kharagpur has established the “Prithviraj Banerjee and Swati Banerjee Chair Professorship” with an endowment of $ 81,082, received from its eminent and distinguished alumnus, Dr. Prithviraj “Prith” Banerjee (1981/B.Tech./E&ECE/Azad). In this regards, virtual signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between IIT Kharagpur and Dr Prithviraj Banerjee was arranged on July 02, 2021, where Prof Virendra Kumar Tewari, the Director of IIT Kharagpur and Dr Prith Banerjee, the Chief Technology Officer of ANSYS had signed the MoU in the presence of Prof Amit Patra, the Deputy Director; Prof Jayanta Mukhopadhyay, the Dean Outreach; Prof Surjya Kanta Pal, the Associate Dean…
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You care for us, now let us take care of you

You care for us, now let us take care of you

On June 19, 2021, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur had come forward to provide ration packets to 2000 Covid Lockdown affected poor people in and around the campus, with the generous contributions of $1 million received from its alumni. Besides being thankful to the alma mater for such an orderly management of the Covid-19 support program, the president of IIT Kharagpur Foundation USA, Ron Gupta mentioned, “The IIT Kharagpur Foundation alumni are indebted to you all for distribution of the needed supplies to our workers who help the students during their stay. We urge to continue with this program periodically,…
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