IITKGP researcher wins DAAD PRIME fellowship

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Congratulations to Sumana Ghosh, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University Munich, for winning the DAAD PRIME fellowship! Sumana completed her PhD from IIT Kharagpur from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in 2019 and is an experienced researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the field of embedded systems, real-time systems, and formal methods.

The DAAD PRIME (Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience) is an extremely coveted fellowship. Since its initiation in 2014 by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the fellowship is awarded to postdoctoral scholars for a period of 18 months to support their international mobility for collaborative research, including that in Germany. Only 2-3 candidates are usually awarded the fellowship in the ‘Engineering’ category, and this year, Sumana was among only 27 candidates out of 201 who were awarded PRIME, making her feat even more commendable.

Sharing the good news with her mentors – Prof. Soumyajit Dey and Prof. Pallab Dasgupta – Sumana wrote, “I really never thought of this outcome. It’s all about the courage, help, and support that I have got for the last 6 years.”

Sumana’s research interests are Design, Verification, and Analysis of Embedded Control Systems, Application of Formal Techniques in Real-Time Scheduling and Fault-tolerant Control Design Automotive Security, Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Formal Methods and Robotics. Her thesis topic was ‘Formal Approach towards Pattern Guided Scheduling in Embedded Control Systems’. She was part of the Formal Verification Research Group of the Computer Science and Engineering Department of IIT Kharagpur and has worked on FMSAFE (A Networked Centre for Formal Methods in Validation and Certification Procedures for Safety Critical ICT Systems) and AUTOSAFE (Architecture-aware Timing Analysis and Optimization of Safety-Critical Automotive Software) projects that are being conducted by the Institute.

She helped organize a two-day Indo-Israel joint research workshop between IIT Kharagpur and Ben-Gurion University, Israel, held at IIT Kharagpur in February 2016 and a one-day Indo-German technical workshop as part of the AUTOSAFE project in December 2015. Sumana received ‘Honorable Mention’ at the VLSID Conference in 2019. She was recipient of the Microsoft Research travel grant and ACM-India IARCS grant for attending ACM-SIGBED EMSOFT Conference 2017 in Seoul and was awarded scholarship for attending the international conference CAV 2016 and VMW workshop in 2016 in Toronto.

By Chirosree Basu

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