BES is the best

BES is the best

An Indo-Belgium SPARC workshop at IIT Kharagpur brought to the fore world-wide efforts to improve bioelectrochemical systems for wastewater treatment and bioenergy recovery In a remote boarding school in Kisoro, Uganda – the Seseme Girls’ School – lighted toilets had changed the way the girls lived. Around 86% of the girls felt safer using the toilet at night, given that they now felt protected from male attackers and insects in the lighted enclosures. Many, in fact, were now more interested in science and enjoyed learning about technology. Why? This is because their toilets were now powered by microbial fuel cells…
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In a happy place

In a happy place

The Bio-Electrochemistry laboratory at IIT Kharagpur has helped IIT Kharagpur gain the fourth position among institutions in the world on the basis of its publication record on microbial fuel cell research for real field applications (according to Scopus database). The laboratory is the workplace and practically the home of Prof. Makarand Madhao Ghangrekar of the Department of Civil Engineering, who also heads the newly-established Aditya Choubey Center of Re-Water Research. In the last two years, Prof. Ghangrekar’s lab has published more than 50 journal papers in high impact factor journals such as Bioresource Technology, Electrochimica Acta, Bioelectrochemistry, International Journal of…
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