IIT Bay Area Leadership Conference 2022

IIT Bay Area Leadership Conference 2022

Bay Area Alumni Community of Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur conducted the IIT Bay Area Leadership Conference 2022 in Santa Clara Convention Centre, California USA  on 27 August 2022. It is a nonprofit organization in California which is dedicated to the professional advancement of alumni from all IIT campuses who call the greater San Francisco Bay Area home. Every year towards the end of the summer, IITBAA organizes the IIT Bay Area Leadership Conference which is open to all IIT and non-IIT tech professionals. The annual conference typically brings together industry & academic luminaries, business leaders, engineers, startup founders, investors…
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Prediction of Crystal Properties through AI assisted Machine Learning – CrysXPP

Prediction of Crystal Properties through AI assisted Machine Learning – CrysXPP

Hearing the word crystals, people commonly recognize it to be a shiny material associated with a part of jewellery considering their shapes of flat faces with sharp angles. In actuality, crystalline materials have a much wider range of applications, for example in laser technology, optics, high-energy physics, biomedical technology and light-emitting diodes. Each area of application requires a specific type of material. New crystalline materials are constantly being tested to determine whether they have the desired properties. A crystal is scientifically defined by its microscopic atomic arrangement, not its macroscopic shape. Its crystallographic forms are sets of possible faces of…
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Forbes 30 Under 30 – Alumnus Prof. Srijan Kumar

Forbes 30 Under 30 – Alumnus Prof. Srijan Kumar

IIT Kharagpur alumnus, Prof. Srijan Kumar has been included in Forbes 30 under 30 in Science, Class of 2022! Prof. Kumar is an Assistant Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a specialist in AI, ML, and Data Science. In his attempt to make the internet a safer place he is involved in developing Data Science and Machine Learning solutions to combat fraudsters, trolls, and other malicious entities. His research has influenced Twitter’s Birdwatch platform. It is also implemented by Flipkart. An alumnus of the 2013 batch from the Computer Science and Engineering Department of the Institute, Prof.…
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Making Sanskrit Accessible through AI-based Text Processing

Making Sanskrit Accessible through AI-based Text Processing

Researchers at IIT Kharagpur are making Sanskrit accessible with their Artificial Intelligence-based system for processing Sanskrit texts There has been a renewed interest in Sanskrit since the announcement of NEP 2020. Various academic institutions both at school education as well as higher education are adopting various approaches for improving the reach of the language through training programs, research and outreach initiatives. While various digital resources have improved the accessibility and use of world languages and even regional languages, Sanskrit presents unique challenges in automated computational processing. In addition to the sheer volume and diversity, both stylistic and chronological, found in…
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AI in Manufacturing

AI in Manufacturing

Pandemic has hit us hard and has reset the entire manufacturing lookout. Thinking in the positive aspect, the pandemic has given us a chance to grow stronger, more resilient, and resourceful in terms of operation, maintenance, and sustainability. There was a point in time when people were perceiving Industry 4.0 as an opportunity for their businesses. The table has turned, and now, Industry 4.0 is a mandate as the concepts under its umbrella are the ones that will help in making manufacturing more resilient, stronger, and resourceful. AI is one of the core elements of Industry 4.0 and it encompasses…
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AI4ICPS Setting Pace for India’s Transition to Smart Industry Hub

AI4ICPS Setting Pace for India’s Transition to Smart Industry Hub

IIT Kharagpur is all set to transform the nation’s industrial sector with scalable application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) under the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS). The Institute has recently set up a special purpose vehicle, the IIT Kharagpur AI4ICPS I Hub Foundation for translation of academic research at the proof of concept level to industrially scalable products and processes, focused on AI interventions to CPS.  “While research has been happening in AI&ML for decades, mostly limited to software with limited inclusion in consumer goods and daily used gadgets; graduating innovation…
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The day of many victories

The day of many victories

Times of India,  NDTV,  Business Standard, The Week,, Hans India, Devdiscourse, College Dekho Greta Thunberg can take heart. The theme of ‘Energy and Environment’ received top billing at IIT Kharagpur’s Young Innovators Program 2019, with a majority of the participating school students electing to find their own ways to combat pollution and promote conservation. In its third edition, the contest drew students from Classes VIII-X from schools all over India and abroad to brainstorm on the themes of Health and Cleanliness, Hardware Modelling, Product Designing, Disaster Management, Financial Inclusion, as also Energy and Environment. The grand finale of YIP was held at the IIT Kharagpur…
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Work some, play some more

Work some, play some more

The day started early for the participants of IIT Kharagpur’s Young Innovators Program 2019 on November 9. The stakes were high, and so there was not a moment to lose. By the time the judges trooped in on Day 2 of YIP 2019, the teams were ready by their tables at the Vikramshila foyer. And what a display it was! From live demonstration of how the green dispenser could provide water to the differently-abled, to moving hoover buses on a live model of an urban scene, a mini-model of a greenhouse that can monitor the growth of plant and fish…
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The Hindu BusinessLine      The Hindu        Careers360        The Week         India Today (Web)       India Today      Deccan herald        News18        Hindustan Times     Indian Express             NDTV          Jagran           IndiaTV             OrissaPost          Business Standard          The Statesman           Financial Express                        IIT KGP has…
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Facebook Awards IIT KGP’s AI Research

Facebook Awards IIT KGP’s AI Research

Indian Express       Financial Express        The Week        Times Now           Hindustan Times         NDTV           Business Standard Animesh Mukherjee, Associate Professor at the Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur has been selected for the Ethics in AI Research Award in the ‘operationalizing ethics’ category for his project “Targeted Bias in Indian Media Outlets”.  The Award is part of Facebook’s initiative to encourage research on AI ethics and address intricate challenges and complex ethical questions in the AI domain. The award-winning project is part of…
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