Year: 2021

IIT Kharagpur unveiled the increasing ozone pollution in Antarctica

IIT Kharagpur unveiled the increasing ozone pollution in Antarctica

IIT Kharagpur researchers revealed significant increase of ozone pollution in the Antarctic troposphere for the past 25 years, which is a concern as the region is far from the industries and continental emission sources. A recent scientific study analysed the significant increase of Surface Ozone and Tropospheric Ozone in Antarctica for the past 25 years. The research findings were supported by surface-based and ozonesonde measurements in Antarctica. “The increasing trend in ozone pollution across Antarctica would have a profound impact on the future climate of one of the most climate-sensitive regions on the Earth, as tropospheric ozone has warming feedback…
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Indigenous development of PSA technology based medical grade oxygen plant

Indigenous development of PSA technology based medical grade oxygen plant

In IIT Kharagpur’s assistance, Nektor Health Science System, Ahmedabad has developed an indigenous prototype plant for generation of medical grade oxygen. Globally, the shortage of medical oxygen has become a major challenge for treating COVID-19 patients. Considering the fact, in corroboration to IIT Kharagpur researcher, the highly experienced team of Nektor Health Science System, Ahmedabad, has developed an indigenous Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) oxygen manufacturing plant with required purity and pressure. “One of the best methods to generate oxygen with the purity level of 93% to 96% directly from compressed air is PSA technology, where the molecular sieve selectively adsorbs…
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Appointment of our new Deputy Director- Prof Amit Patra

Appointment of our new Deputy Director- Prof Amit Patra

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur welcomes its new Deputy Director, Professor Amit Patra from the Department of Electrical Engineering. Prof Patra has assumed the charge as Deputy Director from June 30, 2021. The IIT Kharagpur Director, Prof Virendra Kumar Tewari affirmed, “As a Deputy Director, Prof Patra will provide academic and administrative leadership to the Institute in our ambition to become a pioneering institution of higher education, setting new global standard  and academic benchmarks thus revolutionizing the education landscape in the country. I am sure, he will take the institute activities to newer heights”. Prof Amit Patra is an alumnus…
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IIT Kharagpur has set “Specialty Friction Reducers” in motion

IIT Kharagpur has set “Specialty Friction Reducers” in motion

IIT Kharagpur researchers have contributed to product development and commercialization of specialty friction reducers for challenging unconventional oilfield environments. Recently, IIT Kharagpur researchers have contributed towards a new domain of indigenous innovation, “Specialty Friction Reducers” for unconventional oilfields and most significantly, this technique has led to commercialization of this product by an Indian Manufacturer, for the first time, for the global oil and gas industry. “We have developed the technique for characterizing the specialty friction reducers involves a unique combination of drag reduction and viscometric measurements, specifically replicating the complex oilfield environment. The work further enabled correlation between the fundamental…
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Dr B C Roy- A pioneer of Medical Science, who remodeled the perception on Doctors

Dr B C Roy- A pioneer of Medical Science, who remodeled the perception on Doctors

God is busy, cannot be present everywhere, that’s why they have created doctors. Rightly said by Carl Jung- “Medicines cure diseases, but only doctors cure patients. In recognition of service rendered by the medical doctors, July 1 is celebrated as National Doctors’ Day all across India, to honour the legendary Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy on his birth and death anniversary. This day is very important to pay tribute to the doctors, who are selflessly and tirelessly protecting us. To acknowledge and salute them for their contributions towards serving the nation, IIT Kharagpur has celebrated National Doctors’ Day at the Bidhan…
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Bonobo’s several interesting facts have paved the way to the solution of the optimization problem

Bonobo’s several interesting facts have paved the way to the solution of the optimization problem

Prof. Dilip Kumar Pratihar along with his student Mr. Amit Kumar Das from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of IIT Kharagpur has proposed an intelligent and adaptive metaheuristic optimization algorithm, namely “BONOBO OPTIMIZER (BO)” to solve the complex optimization problems, being inspired from the social behavior and reproductive strategies of bonobos. BO uses a unique and adaptive selection scheme, namely fission-fusion technique for selecting the mating bonobo, which has made the algorithm intelligent, robust and good performer. It is an intelligent and adaptive heuristic with self-adjusting controlling parameters. It is able to maintain a good balance between exploration and exploitation…
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Observation of 7th International Yoga Day at IIT Kharagpur

Observation of 7th International Yoga Day at IIT Kharagpur

With the theme “Yoga for Wellness”, Technology Students’ Gymkhana (TSG) has successfully organised 7th International Day of Yoga at IIT Kharagpur with 30 participants, including Prof Somesh Kumar, Dean of Students’ Affairs; Prof Venkappayya R Desai, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Architecture; Prof Khanindra Pathak, Dean Infrastructure; Prof Ajay K Singh, President of TSG; Dr Rajeev Rawat, Senior Hindi Officer; Mr S S Jha, Security Officer and other TSG Personnel as well as other invited guests, following the standard protocols issued by the Institute and Government of India regarding COVID-19. Mr. Sudhir Kumar, PTI, G-1 of IIT Kharagpur performed…
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Worldwide increase in extreme precipitation: A manifestation of climate change

Worldwide increase in extreme precipitation: A manifestation of climate change

Since the 1970s, global climate change and consequent warming of atmospheric system have led to a significant increase in extreme precipitation across the world, revealed by the IIT Kharagpur researchers through a global analysis. “The global climate change and consequent warming of atmospheric system have altered the regular spatio-temporal distribution of precipitation. Our researchers also found that, the extent of increase in precipitation extremes is comparatively less near equator and reaches peak around mid-latitudes.”, mentioned the lead researcher, Prof Rajib Maity, Department of Civil Engineering. The researchers have considered gridded observational- reanalysis precipitation dataset (1948-2012) and two important extreme precipitation…
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You care for us, now let us take care of you

You care for us, now let us take care of you

On June 19, 2021, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur had come forward to provide ration packets to 2000 Covid Lockdown affected poor people in and around the campus, with the generous contributions of $1 million received from its alumni. Besides being thankful to the alma mater for such an orderly management of the Covid-19 support program, the president of IIT Kharagpur Foundation USA, Ron Gupta mentioned, “The IIT Kharagpur Foundation alumni are indebted to you all for distribution of the needed supplies to our workers who help the students during their stay. We urge to continue with this program periodically,…
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You care for us, now let us take care of you

You care for us, now let us take care of you

On June 19, 2021, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur had come forward to provide ration packets to 2000 Covid Lockdown affected poor people in and around the campus, with the generous contributions of $1 million received from its alumni. Besides being thankful to the alma mater for such an orderly management of the Covid-19 support program, the president of IIT Kharagpur Foundation USA, Ron Gupta mentioned, “The IIT Kharagpur Foundation alumni are indebted to you all for distribution of the needed supplies to our workers who help the students during their stay. We urge to continue with this program periodically,…
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