Year: 2018

Hit the road, but carefully

Hit the road, but carefully

An IIT Kharagpur road safety audit shows that unless speed is regulated, good mobility could mean more accidents If worn-out, crater-ridden, submerged stretches are the only image that flash in your mind when you think of ‘killer roads’, you are just monsoon-weary. Killer roads are also those gleaming blacktop surfaces stretching out for miles in between cities, towns, or even within cities, that lure motorists into putting that little bit of extra pressure on the accelerator. Speed, obviously, kills. With the rapid modernization of road infrastructure, India is thus seeing an alarming increase in the number of fatalities on road.…
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Of matters strictly legal

Of matters strictly legal

The Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law (RGSOIPL) of IIT Kharagpur is the only law school of its kind in the country The Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law or RGSOIPL, with its long Doric columns, stands diagonically opposite one of the largest open spaces in IIT Kharagpur - the sports complex, where every day students muddy themselves playing various kinds of games. This forms one of the most fulfilling part of their student years. RGSOIPL too engages in field activity that involves a lot of insight and endurance to grapple with issues. The law school, the first…
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Way to go

Way to go

Another KGPian leaves his mark Leapfroggers (HarperCollins) is the latest book by a KGPian to hit the stalls. The author is Ved Prakash Sandlas (1967/BTech/EC), who was among the first 50 engineers to join ISRO and was part of Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s core team that launched SLV-3. While working at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Trivandrum, Sandlas was appointed Group Director, Electronics (1984-86) and, Mission Director/Project Director SLV-3 (1980-84), and was responsible for the launch of SLV-3 in May, 1981, as well as the launch of the Rohini Satellites in April, 1983. Leapfroggers is an insider’s account of…
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IIT KGP gets Post Office Passport Seva Kendra

IIT KGP gets Post Office Passport Seva Kendra

The IIT KGP community has a new reason to rejoice just ahead of the festive season. The campus has got a Post Office Passport Seva Kendra which has started operations from September 27, 2018. The center is located at the Head Post Office in the IIT KGP campus, near the primary entry point to the campus. The center will typically handle upto 30 appointments in a day. Post Office Passport Seva Kendra (POPSK) is an initiative by the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India and the Department of Posts, to extend passport related services on a larger scale and to ensure wider…
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IIT KGP Faculty Makes Purified Drinking Water Available for Rs. 1

IIT KGP Faculty Makes Purified Drinking Water Available for Rs. 1

Times of India    India Today    Business Standard   Millennium Post    Navbharat Times    NDTV    ABP News    ABP News Twitter   Indian Express   Jagran Josh  EiSamay Faculty from IIT KGP has developed a model for purified drinking water supply, costing Rs. 1 per family per day, for a village in Southern Bengal. Dr. Somnath Ghosal from the Rural Development Centre of IIT Kharagpur has involved participatory management offering villagers access to purified drinking water in a sustainable manner, using Water Cards, Water ATM Vending Machine, etc. The unique set-up has been built in the Porapara village in West Midnapore district of Bengal. He…
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Not a drop to lose

Not a drop to lose

Business Standard   NDTV     ABP News   Millennium Post    Navbharat Times   ABP News Twitter At Porapara, an IIT Kharagpur initiative has become a unique model of participatory civic management Porapara is a tribal hamlet around 15 kilometres away from IIT Kharagpur. It has seen several initiatives from the academic community of IIT Kharagpur, which has set up a primary school and has also tried to install smokeless chulas for the convenience of the villagers. The people of the village are mainly daily wage labourers, working in the surrounding agricultural fields or sometimes in Kharagpur town. Having grown used to the community of…
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IIT KGP’s ReWater Research to Redefine India’s Potable Water System

IIT KGP’s ReWater Research to Redefine India’s Potable Water System

Economic Times   Business Standard   The Week   Jagran Josh   India Today   Indian Express   Millenium Post   NDTV IIT Kharagpur on its 68th Foundation Day has taken up the challenge to resolve two burning issues of urban India – sewage disposal and access to clean potable water. The Institute is setting up the Aditya Choubey Center for Re-Water Research, seed-funded by alumni Anant Choubey and Aneesh Reddy to remediate, replenish and rejuvenate water resources. “The scarcity of water for drinking and domestic use is becoming acute and will only worsen in the coming years. On the other hand, urban areas are witnessing massive…
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New Indian Monsoon Rainfall Prediction Model Developed by IIT KGP Researchers

New Indian Monsoon Rainfall Prediction Model Developed by IIT KGP Researchers

Business Standard     Financial Express      Millenium Post     Prabhat Khabar     The Week     Outlook Researchers from Centre for Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences (CORAL) of IIT KGP have developed a new statistical model, which can be used to predict variability and trends in rainfall over different climate regions of India taking into consideration both local and remote factors causing weather change. Many of these, local and remote, factors that affect weather conditions have been known to the scientific community. However, most weather forecast models typically consider local factors or a single factor that affects rainfall or…
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Passing by

Passing by

Powerful performance Balgovind Tiwari dropped by with a huge batch of students from IIIT R.K. Valley, RGUKT, Andhra Pradesh, where he is a lecturer. He did his PhD in Physics (Solid State Electronics) from IIT Kharagpur in 2011. Tiwari and his team were on their way to a competition and used the Technology Students' Gymkhana to train for the event. At the National Bench Press Championship 2017-18, held on March 16-18 in Ranchi this year, his student, K. Sreelakshmi, won two gold medals in the 43 kg Junior (Equipped and Un-equipped) Women category. His two other students, B. Harish Kumar…
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Forging a global connection

Forging a global connection

IIT Kharagpur is the national coordinator of GIAN, an MHRD-run international outreach programme The Global Initiative of Academic Networks or GIAN was launched on November 30, 2015 by the then Union minister for human resources development, Ms Smriti Irani. The initiative intended to enhance the quality of higher education in India through foreign collaboration. At the inauguration Ms Irani said, “GIAN is not limited to only those from the IITs and national institutes but will also be available for government institutes who do not usually expect an opportunity to meet, interact and learn from international faculty.” Under GIAN, reputed international…
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