Social Impact

Building Scalable Water Access for Rural Assam

Building Scalable Water Access for Rural Assam

This summer I had the incredible opportunity, to work with the Tata Trusts and their Tata Water Mission (TWM) initiative, exploring avenues to provide scalable water access to stakeholders in rural Assam. TWM is one of the Trusts’ flagship initiatives in India, at the forefront of ensuring Water Access, Sanitation and Health through multiple programs across the nation. I had the privilege of working with Mr. Divyang Waghela, National Head and Mr. Rajat Pati, Area Manager, North-East and a host of partner organizations across multiple project sites in Assam. I had been looking to spend my summer doing something that…
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Life after Fani

Life after Fani

It has been a month since Cyclone Fani hit the coastal areas of Odisha. Recently, a team from IIT Kharagpur visited one of the worst affected places, the heritage town of Puri and nearby areas to deliver relief materials. The Institute which has been taking a leadership role in transforming the country's education and industrial environment is also known for making holistic efforts towards public welfare activities carried by its students and campus residents to uplift the lives of the lesser privileged ones. Lending support towards Fani victims was no exception with the Office of Registrar at IIT Kharagpur leading…
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Sheltering from Fani

Sheltering from Fani

India Today      Careers360       Indian Express    Telegraph    Jagran Josh As the extremely severe Cyclone Fani hit Odisha and Bengal, the grand old IIT  at Kharagpur has again turned out to have a not so insignificant role as life savior. It was 2004, after the devastating super cyclone in 1999, IIT Kharagpur had designed economically viable. cyclone shelters with a capacity of holding several hundred. Orissa State Disaster Mitigation Authority (OSDMA), a constituent of the Government of Odisha, in association with IIT Kharagpur then constructed these shelters across coastal areas of Orissa. The Odisha government…
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Doing good is simple

Doing good is simple

Times of India     India Today On March 26 2019, the Director of IIT Kharagpur, Prof. Partha Pratim Chakrabarti, proudly flagged off a truck bearing a small hoarding which said, “Technology Transfer to the Government of Tripura”. The vehicle carried a consignment of five machines produced by the Rural Design Innovation Centre of IIT Kharagpur. In it were four gas-based puffed rice (muri) making machines and one motorized dehusker or dhenki in Bengali. This is the third consignment that is making its way to distant Agartala. A total of 22 machines have already been transported through earlier consignments, says Prof.…
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Lend a helping hand

Lend a helping hand

Times of India The main objective of the Rural Technology Hackathon held at IIT Kharagpur between December 19-22, 2018 was to develop, upgrade and transfer technology to the rural masses in the surrounding areas and eastern and north eastern part of India. The competition, which was organized under the umbrella of the Design Innovation Centre (DIC) of IIT Kharagpur with the support of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, drew 17 teams from IIEST Shibpur, IIIT Ranchi, BHU, NIT Jamshedpur and other institutions in eastern India. The contest was inaugurated on December 19 by the Director of IIT Kharagpur, Prof.…
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Social Media to Help Disaster Relief

Social Media to Help Disaster Relief

Economic Times   Gadget Now   India Today   Business Standard  Business Standard (PTI)   Devdiscourse  VC Circle Your posts on social media and internal messaging applications can now help victims receive relief during natural disasters. While you tweet about the situation of the victims in specific locations in English or Hindi, a computer program can read through your empathetic post and send the relevant information to nearby relief operators. A research team led by Dr. Saptarshi Ghosh from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kharagpur is developing the algorithms for this task. At the wake of the recent Kerala floods and other…
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Catch them young, watch them grow

Catch them young, watch them grow

The unique ‘C minus 4’ programme helped IIT Kharagpur reach out to several rural schools and assist students in enhancing their confidence and developing their personality The Telegraph In one of the many social initiatives undertaken by IIT Kharagpur, the Institute launched a study model that equips students, especially those belonging to rural schools, to grow into confident, knowledgeable, competent individuals. The project is called “Innovative ‘C-4’ Model for High School Students”. Under the ‘C-4’ model, middle or high school students are trained and mentored so that they can teach students who are four classes (that is, minus 4) junior…
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Not a drop to lose

Not a drop to lose

Business Standard   NDTV     ABP News   Millennium Post    Navbharat Times   ABP News Twitter At Porapara, an IIT Kharagpur initiative has become a unique model of participatory civic management Porapara is a tribal hamlet around 15 kilometres away from IIT Kharagpur. It has seen several initiatives from the academic community of IIT Kharagpur, which has set up a primary school and has also tried to install smokeless chulas for the convenience of the villagers. The people of the village are mainly daily wage labourers, working in the surrounding agricultural fields or sometimes in Kharagpur town. Having grown used to the community of…
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